Opener Webservices

This is the entry page to the OpeNER webservices. It provides you with links to each individual webservice as well as an integrated test, right here on this page. These webservices are a work in process and might change without any up front notification.


Please provide us with feedback on how we can improve the webservices by filling in our feedback form.

Available Webservices

For a list of all available webservices. Checkout the webservices index page.

Try it out!

Paste a text below and check the checkboxes of the services you want to chain together. Once you press submit you will see a URL where (after several seconds) you can ask for the result of your analysis. The full OpeNER chain can take more than 30 seconds, so please be patient if you decide to check all boxes.

required step (unless you paste in KAF and know what you're doing)
please select either tree OR pos-tagger
please select either tree OR pos-tagger
detects if words are positive or negative
detects hotel specific topics like 'room' and 'value for money'
required for Coreference Resolution
detects named entities, required for NED
Co-reference resolution
disambiguates named entities
detects opinions, works best with all other options turned on.
detects opinions, works best if the text has gone through the polarity-tagger.
Converts KAF to JSON. Don't use with scorer.

Select which kind of outlet you want to use. An outlet stores the result of the pipeline so that you can request the results of your analysis after a couple of seconds.

aggregates the opinions from the opinion-detector into values between -1 and 1
stores a KAF document in the database for later retrieval

In case an error occurs the system can post the error message to a place on the internet. If you provide a URL below we will post the error straight to your systems. It's ok to leave this field empty though.

Once you click this button, you'll see a JSON response that contains a URL for the outlet you selected. You can copy paste that url in your url bar, or click the URL of your browser supports that. Processing your text may take up several seconds. So please be patient.

Please visit the URL presented to you on the next page

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 261712.