Install OpeNER requirements

In order to work with OpeNER you need to:

  1. Install the overall OpeNER requirements
  2. Install OpeNER
  3. Try some examples

The OpeNER toolchain consists of a broad mix of technologies glued together using Ruby. Most of these requirements are already present on up-to-date unix like installations (including Mac OSX) or can be easily upgraded.

Every part of the OpeNER toolchain has individual dependencies. Most of which are included in the components themselves. Check out the individual manual pages of the components to for the specifics.

OpeNER requirements

General Environment

The prerequisits of running an OpeNER toolchain consists of:

Ruby Setup

After you installed JRuby you also need to install Rubygems and Bundler.

You can find the installation instructions of Rubygems here: RubyGems installation instructions

After you installed Rubygems install the bundler gem with the following command:

gem install bundler

If you happen to install JRuby via your operating system’s package manager it’s likely that just using the ruby command will result in the system Ruby version being used instead of JRuby. You can confirm this by running:

ruby --version

This should output something along the lines of:

jruby 1.7.18 (1.9.3p551) 2014-12-22 625381c on OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_79-b14 +jit [linux-amd64]

If this is not the case you’ll need to run the various components using jruby -S. For example:

echo 'Hello world, this is a text' | jruby -S language-identifier

You’ll also have to use this when installing Gems:

jruby -S gem install opener-language-identifier

As an alternative you can use chruby and ruby-install to install JRuby in an isolated environment. Once this is set up you can install/use JRuby as following:

ruby-install jruby

# restart your terminal or reload your Bash profile (e.g. source ~/.bashrc)

chruby jruby

For more information see the READMEs of chruby and ruby-install.

Python Setup

Virtual environment

We highly recommend using a python virtualenv environment. A convenient way to get that working is by visiting the virtualenv-burrito project over at Github.

Once you have the virtualenv-burrito installed you can for example create an OpeNER environment using:

mkvirtualenv opener

and then activate is using

workon opener

If you make sure that you activate your opener enviroment before installing any OpeNER components. We can more or less guarantee you a smooth Python ride. If you forget to workon opener the road might be quite bumpy.


Most OpeNER components ship with all batteries included. However lxml is used so often that that wouldn’t make sense. So please, after you activated your virtualenv. please install lxml. There is a manual available at the lxml website.

Install OpeNER

The components that are currently available are:


Once you’ve got the basics set up, including the installation of rubygems, bundler, a Python virtual environment and lxml run the following command for the components you want to install (replace component-name with one of the above components):

gem install component-name

For more information for each component you can visit the documentation in RubyGems. Simply search for the component and click on the Documentation page.

Run the example

See if things are setup propery by trying to run the following line of code:

echo "This is absolutelty great" | language-identifier

You can also try and put your own text into the opener-example chain. For example by piping in the contents of a textfile:

cat my_text_file.txt | language-identifier | tokenizer | pos-tagger

You can also run the component as a web-service like that:


And you can visit the web service in your browser at http://localhost:9292


Visit the Support Page if you need further help or instructions on how to install the OpeNER components.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 261712.